Monday, January 31, 2011

What Life Throws at You, You Sometimes Just Have to Deal With

There has been a subsequent amount of stress in my life this past week and a half. My car died. I got another (used) car, which then decided to give me touble, including when it died at a stop-light and refused to start up again. This was all on top of taking my four classes, trying to keep up with homework and working about 30hrs last week. It summed up to be a not-so-fun week. But I survived, now I have to pass my first psych-nursing exam of the semester tomorrow at 8:00 am. I'm hoping it's not too hard. I'm thinking that this week should turn out to be much better than the last. I'm expecting that clinicals will go well, by all means, I'll MAKE it go well. I'm pretty much staying on top of all of my school work. I'm sure when my Med-Surge rotation comes around, I will be saying differently. But for now, I'm appreciating every calm moment and every easy homework assignment that is handed to me. I did a bit of a different meditation than I normally do. I don't think I made it up, but I have never read about it anywhere. Basically, since I have been through an amount of stress this past week, I did notice that there has been a bit of anger, resentment, and just a pissed-off mood, running through my veins. I started by sitting and just breathing. Paying attention to my breath. Then, in my mind I told my self to inhale good thoughts. Thoughts of love, kindness, calmness, and relaxation. As I exhaled, I exhaled all the hate, the anger, the anxiety and worry from my body. Why did I do this? Did you know that it is scientifically proven that stress has a negative effect on the human cells? Well, it does. It makes sick people sicker. Why do we get diarrhea, headaches, nausea and stomach-aches before an exam. Usually from anxiety. Yes, so if you're stressed, maybe try this simple meditation. Bring in the warm, happy, calm feelings. And exhale the stress.
Thank you and Namaste


  1. So true!! I am going through some major stress right now too! I have been nauseous and anxious for the last week and a half! What am I doing to myself!! I'm feeling your pain. Ohh nursing school... Its even more frightening when you're just about to graduate!

    Hang in there sweetie :)
