Monday, November 29, 2010


I guess I could write a bit of an update since I have a little time. Let's see, I have about two weeks, maybe three left of school. Ohmygoshhhh. It's crazy that this semester has gone by so fast. I mean, I'm not done yet, who knows if I will pass. And I'm not kidding when I say that. The program that I'm in is extremely difficult. A lot of people have already gotten kicked out. :( I'm doing pretty well in Patho right now. I'm getting a B. As for my Nursing 111, I'm getting a C. But a C is passing, so I'm on the right track. I'm doing better in clinical now. My instructor wrote some pretty good comments on my evaluation. I have two more clinicals before I'm done. The thing that I'm scared of the most is the lab class. We have our skills testing next monday. So, a week from now. YIKES! I have been practicing, but I feel like it hasn't been enough. We have a number of things that we could be tested on. G-Tube medication administration, IM injections, Sterile procedure, applying restraints, oropharyngeal suctioning, collecting a urine specimen from a foley catheter, oxygen therapy, dry to moist dressing changes, applying an abdominal binder, administering a cleansing enema, and I think there are more that I don't want to list. Anyway, you get the picture. So, we could be tested on any of those skills. It's pretty scary when an instructor is standing right behind you watching. Very nervewracking. So for next semester, I am going to be preparing over the winter holiday. Reding up on Psych and Med-Surge. I seriously can't wait for school to be over.
Thanks for reading!

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