Monday, September 13, 2010

Make It or Break It

I took my first Pathophysiology exam today. It was difficult!!! Ugh, I don't even know how to say how frustrated I am with this whole school thing so far. I am happy to be in the program, I'm GOING to pass, but getting there is so hard. I feel like hitting my head against a wall. Every time I feel like I'm ahead, I realize that there are ten things that I still have to do. I am so behind it isn't funny. I know that probably everybody in the program feels the same way. I finally got in touch with my nursing mentor today, she is going to help me learn how to do my Med Pass. I feel bad because she was trying to get in touch with me, but I have been so bad with checking my school e mail that I never got back to her. She was a good teacher, although, I'm sure that I got super annoying. I constantly ask questions when I am learning. I have to know all the details in order for me to understand any kind of concept. So, today in my lab class, I went over passing meds with my mentor. It's scary, only being in my fourth week of class and I already have to know how to pass medications!!! I feel a headache coming on from all this thinking... I need to sit myself down and come up with some kind of checklist. I spent so much time studying for my patho test last week that I neglected my nursing lab class. I realized today that there was a worksheet that I was supposed to have done, so I thankfully was able to get that done in about an hour before class. *sigh* I will get through this!!! I can't believe I even have time to go to my Yoga class tonight. But, like everyone says, we need to make a little time for ourselves.


  1. You love post its! so much you should use them to make a schedule or a time-line and put them up in your room and take done when they are completed so you know whats done and needs to be done. You can put anything an everything up there from classes and homework to yoga time :) it might help.

  2. That's a good suggestion, but you know how I am about my room, it needs to look nice. I would have to put up matching post its. ;)

  3. Oh man, I can so relate to how you feel right now. But I made it through and I have a pretty good feeling that you have it in you to do very and will make a great nurse.

    I always made time for yoga, or running (I ran a lot in 2nd year) Even if it was just for 20 mins. Being active and giving yourself that much deserved break is sometimes better than sitting and studying for the hour and a half you would take to get into your body. After yoga you will be able to go back to the books with a clearer mind.

    Keep up the good work! I totally know what you're going through right now though. I had so much self doubt, but I made it, 4th year is finally here :)

  4. Thanks Becky :D I really appreciate what you are saying!!! Yoga is doing so much good for me!
